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Sunday, November 27, 2016

Posted for Caroline Kerr

Caroline Kerr
Professor Carrico
GSI: Kuan
November 26, 2016
Rhetoric 103A
Figurative Analyzation
In Sapphos poem, Honey or Bee, she explores the differences between necessity and desire for pleasure, beauty, and anger. Honey within ancient greek beliefs is frequently associated with Aphrodite who is the Greek goddess of love, beauty, pleasure, and procreation (Bee Lore). Honey or Bee provides areas of annotation which allows the reader to find different sources of meaning, specifically the importance of the word honey, depicting if it is either a desire or a necessity for oneself. With the frame work of using honey before the usage of bee Sappho is stating that  that we first associate the outcome rather than the source due to this, we frame things based off of its result rather than the steps it takes to acquire these results.
The affirmation of desire instead of the necessity for pleasure is shown by Sappho with alliosis which is used to deny something in order to affirm something else, an example of this is saying she needs neither the honey nor the bee; it makes the reader question if she does need it because she has addressed in a sense the elephant in the room. This is a pivotal point of the poem where Sappho pulls the audiences thoughts in by saying she does not need these pleasures causing the question of desire to arise. When she does this it makes it so she is affirming the desire she has for honey. Honey is the end result of a bee which is showing she does not want to work for these benefits but she craves these pleasures and will find a way to achieve love, beauty, and everything else which is associated with honey. Sappho wants to address a topic without directly addressing it so her audience has the change to create meaning on their own because one is more likely to refute information if we are forced to digest information without finding meaning on our own. This is a strong rhetoric tactic because one becomes so use to accepting facts when one is able to find significance in an organic way, it will be reputable for future reflection.
An example of utilizing emphasis is the word usage of need. When Sappho is saying need she means that there is not a necessity for this but there could be a desire, she would not write about something if there was truly no significance behind it, or want for it. One of the largest metaphors is an ananamen with the usage of honey and bee. Simplistically, without a bee you cannot have honey. Sappho highlights upon the fact that we are not willing to take the bad with the good; a bee has a stinger which is the anger/negatively we must endure to reach the sweet love of honey.  One of the largest human errors is one is not willing to take the bad with the good, no matter what is occurring within ones life there will always be something you must work for in order to achieve this end goal of pleasure.
The Zeugma of the word need connects both honey and bee together, which individually  have two separate meanings and are now directly related but with this connecting verb, it properly connects them together creating a bridge between the two terms reflecting a clear similarity of the two. Sappho did this because honey and bee without the connection have two separate meanings and do not show the underlying meaning but when connecting honey and bee it provides a whole cause rather than two separate causes. Need drives the desire of honey rather than the need for it, representing how one cannot exist without the other, you cannot have a result without the work required to access this point.
As shown, with the frame work of using honey she roots back to the initial meaning rooted within greek terminology and shows that humans are more likely to want something directly for its end result rather than the work required to achieve these goals.

Source Cited:
"Aphrodite and Her Melissae in Ancient Greece." Bee Lore. N.p., 21 Jan. 2008. Web. 26 Nov. 2016.

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